The present
Newhaven Port User Group was formed at the end of 2009 with the aim of constructing a forum for the exchange of information between the Port Authority and the maritime users of the port. Consultation being the key word in ensuring the Port executes it's duties and enabling the port users to have a pathway to express their views and ideas.

Click for the Terms of Reference for the Group and current list of members.  PUG Apr 2024

The first meeting was held on the 19th February 2010 and was very well attended. The Port Manager and Harbour Master opened the meeting and this was followed by a presention given by the Port's Consultants, Royal Haskoning, on the Port Masterplan. An interactive workshop followed this enabling the group to express their wishes for the future port. The next meeting is scheduled for 30th June 2010.

A Port Users sub-group was formed in April 2010 and called the West Quay Users (Fishing) Group, to enable dialogue between the local fishermen and the Port Authority. The group also includes a representitive of the Charterboat fishermen operating out of Newhaven Marina. The first meeting was held on 28th April 2010

As part of the Newhaven Port Masterplan, the second round of Stakeholder Workshops were held at the Enterprise Centre, Denton Island to reveal the developments made since the process began in September 2009. The first round of consultations were held in November 2009 and February 2010.
The Port Consultants Royal Haskoning and DMH Stallard presented to the employees of Newhaven Port & Properties on Tuesday 29th June, followed by the wider stakeholders and Port Users Groups on Wednesday 30th June 2010.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group held a meeting at Newhaven Lifeboat Station on 21st April 2011. Chaired by the Harbour Master Captain Dave Collins-Williams, the meeting saw a good turn-out from the Newhaven fleet and was considered a resounding success. Seafish were represented by David Guy, who gave updates on the Southern Water Long Sea Outfall, Balanced Seas Project and the Rampion Windfarm Site. Rob Clark from the newly formed Sussex IFCA also delivered a presentation to the meeting on their aims and objectives to represent the industry. The next meeting is scheduled for the end of October 2011.

All members of the Port User Group were invited to attend the Port Masterplan Launch Presentation held at Newhaven Fort on the evening of 23rd June 2011. A large number did attend the event, along with other stakeholders including NPP Employees.

A large percentage of the Port Users Group attended the Navigational Risk Assessment Review Stakeholder Day held on 23rd August 2011. The day was organised by the Harbour Master and Marico Marine in order to consult with all the relevant port user sectors and ensure all the hazards and associated risks within the port had been considered. The final report from this review was received by the Harbour Master in September with a number of recommendations to improve the navigational safety of the port. A computer based system called HAZMAN has been installed on the Harbour Master's computer to ensure all the risks are kept regularly reviewed and updated.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group held their third meeting at Newhaven Lifeboat Station on 28th October 2011. Chaired by the Harbour Master Captain Dave Collins-Williams, the numbers were slightly down on the previous meeting held in April, but there was a fair representation and the meeting was worthwhile. Next meeting will be at the end of April 2012.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at Woodies Bar & Grill, Peacehaven Golf Club on Tuesday 24th January 2012. At the meeting, the group heard the Port Manager Captain Francois Jean and the Harbour Master Captain Dave Collins-Williams explaining the Port Masterplan development and final public launch of the revised plan on this very day. A powerpoint presentation was delivered to the group by Alan Banks from TB Partners, NPP's Strategic Project Management Team Leader, followed by a useful question and answer session. The group now numbers 32 member organisations comprising of 52 individuals representing those organisations, all whom share the same common denominator in that they all work, live or play within the Newhaven Harbour Limits. A total of 34 persons attended the event and enjoyed a buffet lunch after the presentation. Now the Masterplan is complete, the next meeting will be able to focus on the main purpose of the group as per the terms of reference. The next meeting is scheduled for July 2012. The Port Masterplan is available to download in pdf format from this website. Go to "Port Masterplan" on the home page.

The Port Employees attended a similar style event at the same location on Tuesday 17th January 2012, so that as important port stakeholders, they were the first to see the Final Port Masterplan before it was released to the general public.

The 6 monthly meeting of the West Quay Users (Fishing) Group was held on Thursday 10th May 2012 at Newhaven Lifeboat Station.
The group is a sub-group of the main Port User Group and meets to discuss issues important to the Newhaven Fishermen and allows the Port Authority to bring the members up to date with Port news and the latest Safety matters.
The meeting was well attended and the Chairman, Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams, had also invited representitives of the Sussex Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency to update the members on the latest relevant hot topics.
Thanks go to Newhaven RNLI for once again hosting the event and showing that Newhaven's Maritime community are working together for the benefit of all harbour users.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at The Enterprise Centre on Denton Island on Monday 13th August 2012.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 20 members of the group.
This was the first meeting to be held post-Port Masterplan publication and allowed for an agenda that closely followed the Port User Group Terms of Reference with more emphasis on a positive exchange of information between the Port Authority and the Harbour Users. All members of the group will receive copies of the meeting minutes. The next meeting is scheduled for February 2013.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Tuesday 6th November 2012 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. Presentations were also made by Dave Guy, secretary of the Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society and local Industry representitive ; and by Rob Clark from IFCA. The next meeting will be held in May 2013.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at Woodies Bar, Peacehaven Golf Club on Wednesday 27th February 2013.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 25 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, explanations of Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Navigation Bill, the formation of a new sub-group called the Port Users Safety Group, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, Harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. Talks were given to the group by Graham Easton, HMCG Sector Manager on the Modernisation of the Coastguard and by Rich Howarth from B&H City Council who is leading the Biosphere Project. Details of which can be found on their website at
The next meeting will be held in August 2013.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 30th May 2013 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB reports that affect fishermen. A progress report was given on the ongoing refurbishment of Fishing Stages 16 and 13. Presentations were also made by Dave Guy, secretary of the Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society and local Industry representitive. The next meeting will be held in November 2013.

The main Port Users Group held a meeting at The Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven, on Thursday 29th August 2013.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 20 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on the roles of the Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Navigation Act 2013, updates on the formation of the new sub-group called the Port Users Marine Safety Committee, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, Harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. The next meeting will be held in February 2014.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 21st November 2013 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB reports that affect fishermen. He was also able to give the fishermen the good news that the Harbour had been excluded from the Beachy Head West Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) which had been designated that day by DEFRA. It is hoped that a representitive from Sussex IFCA would give a talk to the group at the next meeting. Presentations were also made by Graham Easton, Sector Manager of HM Coastguard and a representitive of the Ports Police Unit. The next meeting will be held in May 2014.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at Woodies Bar, Peacehaven Golf Club on Friday 28th February 2014.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 20 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, explanations of Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Navigation Bill, the formation of a new sub-group called the Port Users Safety Group, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Storm damage and siltation problems, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. Talks were given to the group by Graham Easton, HMCG Sector Manager, updating the group on the Future Coastguard Organisation. Garry Collins from ESFRS also gave an update on the Marine Response Team (part of the national Fire & Rescue Marine Response setup) and gave details of the upcoming stakeholder consultaions on the new Community Fire Station in Newhaven.
The next meeting will be held in August 2014.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Tuesday 10th June 2014 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen. Despite a low turnout by the fishermen, extremely interesting presentations and updates were made by Tim Dapling, Chief Officer of Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (SIFCA), Graham Easton, Sector Manager of HM Coastguard and representitives of Sussex Police Ports Operations Unit. The next meeting will be held in November 2014.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Enterprise Centre, Denton Island on Friday 5th September 2014.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 23 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. The recently issued press release on the new port development project was widely discussed as was the project itself and the forthcoming public exhibition on 14th October at the Hillcrest Centre.
The next meeting will be held in late Feb/early March 2015.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Friday 28th November 2014 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings. Despite a low turnout by the fishermen, extremely interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master, David Scott, the Chairman of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society, Graham Easton, HM Coastguard and representitives of Sussex Police Ports Operations Team and local Police Officers. The next meeting will be held in May 2015.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Enterprise Centre, Denton Island on Wednesday 25th March 2015.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 21 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. The guest speaker was Guy Wimpory of Seamonster Marketing who gave an interesting talk and a truly excellent presentation on maritime events, festivals and sponsoring.
The next meeting will be held in September 2015.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Woodies Bar, Peacehaven Golf Club, on Thursday 17 September 2015.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 15 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. The guest speaker was David Crozier of the Newhaven National Coastwatch Institution who gave an interesting talk on the work that the NCI does both at Newhaven and nationally.
The next meeting will be held in March 2016.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 26th November 2015 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings. Despite a low turnout by the fishermen, extremely interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master, David Scott, the Chairman of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society, Tim Dapling of Sussex IFCA and representitives of Sussex Police Ports Operations Team. The next meeting will be held in May 2016.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Woodies Bar, Peacehaven Golf Club, on Friday 15th April 2016.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 20 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. The guest speaker, Alistair Byford-Bates from Wessex Archaeology, was unable to attend due to last minute circumstances, but Graham Easton from the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, gave an update on the national and local aspects of HMCG. The Harbour Master also announced to the group the coming into force of the new Newhaven Harbour Revision Order 2016.
The next meeting will be held in September 2016.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 19th May 2016 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings. There was a very good attendance at this meeting. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; David Scott and Dave Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Sean Ashworth of Sussex IFCA and Alistair Byford-Bates of Wessex Archeaology. The next meeting will be held in November 2016.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, on Thursday 15th September 2016.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 23 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. There were 2 guest speakers attending this meeting, both giving extremely interesting presentations. Mark Beaumont/Russ Uridge introduced the newly formed Newhaven Gig Rowing Club to the group followed by Adamna Umunna the Principal of the UTC@ harbourside. The next meeting will be held in March 2017.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 24th November 2016 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings. There was a very good attendance at this meeting. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; David Scott and Dave Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Tim Dapling of Sussex IFCA and Alistair Byford-Bates of Wessex Archeaology. There was also an update from Sussex Police Ports Operations Unit. The next meeting will be held in May 2017.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, on Thursday 20th April 2017.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 20 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. Members of the group had the opportunity to update all on their respective organisations. There were 2 guest speakers attending this meeting, both giving extremely interesting presentations. Alistair Byford-Bates from Wessex Archaeology informed the group about the Fishing Industry Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries and Marcus Moore from Rampion Offshore Windfarm Ltd gave an update on the progress of the windfarm construction. More information on both subjects can be found at and

The next meeting will be held in September 2017.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 11th May 2017 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; David Scott of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Sean Ashworth of Sussex IFCA and Alistair Byford-Bates of Wessex Archeaology (Fishing Industry Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries). The next meeting will be held in November 2017.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at the Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, on Thursday 12th October 2017.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 16 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. Members of the group had the opportunity to update all on their respective organisations. Unfortunately, the Rampion Windfarm representitve was unable to give the expected presentation. 
The next meeting will be held in April 2018.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 23rd November 2017 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; David Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Tim Dapling of Sussex IFCA and Alice Tebb of the Marine Conservation Society. The next meeting will be held in May 2018.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at Seaford Golf Club on Thursday 19th April 2018.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 20 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. Members of the group had the opportunity to update all on their respective organisations. Very informative presentations were given by Andrew Dann of Rampion Offshore Wind, updating the group on the windfarm; and Mario Cacciuttolo, Assistant Harbour Master, on the use of HAZMAN II Navigational Risk Assessment system.
The next meeting will be held in October 2018.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 7th June 2018 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; Mick Scott and David Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Tim Dapling of Sussex IFCA; Alice Tebb of the Marine Conservation Society; and Alistair Byford-Bates from Wessex Archaeology. The next meeting will be held in November 2018.

The Port Users Group held a meeting at Rampion Offshore Wind, Operations & Maintenance Base, East Quay, Newhaven on Thursday 4th October 2018.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 17 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. Members of the group had the opportunity to update all on their respective organisations. The meeting concluded with a guided tour of the Rampion Building which was well received.
The next meeting will be held in April 2019.

The Newhaven Port Users Group held a meeting at Woodies Bar, Peacehaven Golf Club, on Thursday 25th April 2019.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 17 members of the group.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. It was an opportunity to discuss forthcoming harbour events and the use of licenced commercial workboats/charter vessels in and from the harbour.
It was noted that the only vessels licenced for charter trips out of Newhaven were the "Yellowfin" and the "Sea Leopard". Any other vessel taking fare paying persons out to sea were operating illegally. Members of the group had the opportunity to give updates on their respective organisations. 
The next meeting will be held in October 2019.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 30th May 2019 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. It also brings together the Harbour's fishermen around a table to discuss their issues and share their  experiences and concerns. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; Mick Scott and David Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Daniel Huff from the Fishermens Mission. The next meeting will be held in November 2019.

The Newhaven Port Users Group held a meeting at Woodies Bar, Peacehaven Golf Club, on Thursday 7th November 2019.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Harbour Master, and was attended by 26 members of the group. A very good attendance.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects.  
It was noted that the only vessels licenced for charter trips out of Newhaven were the "Yellowfin", "Sea Leopard" and "Lady Maverick". Any other vessel taking fare paying persons out to sea were operating illegally. Members of the group had the opportunity to give updates on their respective organisations. 
The next meeting will be held in May 2020.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 14th November 2019 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station for their 6 monthly update. Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. It also brings together the Harbour's fishermen around a table to discuss their issues and share their  experiences and concerns. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; David Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Daniel Huff & Carol Elliot from the Fishermens Mission; Alberto Kavadellas from Sussex IFCA; Alice Tebb from the Marine Conversation Society. The next meeting will be held in May 2020.


The Newhaven Port Users Group held a meeting at The Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, on Thursday 3rd November 2022.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Port Manager & Harbour Master, and was attended by 27 members of the group. A very good attendance for the first meeting since the Covid pandemic.
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects.  
Members of the group had the opportunity to give updates on their respective organisations and it was pleasing to note that many did so for the benefit of all port users. 
The next meeting will be held in May 2023.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 10th November 2022 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station. This was the first face to face meeting of the group since the Covid pandemic and it was good to see 16 persons in attendance. Port Manager & Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. It also brings together the Harbour's fishermen around a table to discuss their issues and share their  experiences and concerns. Interesting presentations and updates were made by Dave Collins-Williams, the Harbour Master; David Guy of Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Alberto Kavadellas from Sussex IFCA; Andy Forse from the University of Portsmouth. David Tresidder from Beckett Rankine Marine Consulting Engineers then provided the group with a presentation on the new Fishing Stage 21 project which is being funded by the Levelling Up Fund via Lewes District Council. All attendees were asked to contribute to the planning and design of the project. The user group stakeholders contributed significantly to the proceedings, providing valuable experience and opinion. The next meeting will be held in May 2023.

The Newhaven Port Users Group held a meeting at Peacehaven Golf & Fitness Club on Thursday 11th May 2023.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Port Manager & Harbour Master, and was attended by 18 members of the group. It was a glorious sunny day which may accounted for the relatively low attendence!
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects.  
Members of the group had the opportunity to give updates on their respective organisations and it was pleasing to note that many did so for the benefit of all port users. 
The next meeting will be held in November 2023.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 25th May 2023 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station. It was very well attended with 19 members present. Port Manager & Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. It also brings together the Harbour's fishermen around a table to discuss their issues and share their  experiences and concerns. Interesting presentations and updates were made by NPP, Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Sussex IFCA; Sussex Police. The user group stakeholders contributed significantly to the proceedings, providing valuable experience and opinion. The next meeting will be held in November 2023.

The Newhaven Port Users Group meeting scheduled for Thursday 6th November 2023 had to be cancelled at short notice due to Storm Ciaran. Captain Dave Collins-Williams produced a comprehensive update newsletter for the group instead, which was emailed to all members. The next meeting will be held in May 2024.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 16th November 2023 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station. It was very well attended with 19 members present. Port Manager & Harbour Master Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. It also brings together the Harbour's fishermen around a table to discuss their issues and share their  experiences and concerns. Interesting presentations and updates were made by NPP, Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Sussex IFCA; Border Force; Sussex Police and The Fishermens Society. The user group stakeholders contributed significantly to the proceedings, providing valuable experience and opinion. The next meeting will be held in May 2024.

Newhaven Port Masterplan (PMP) Refresh Stakeholder Workshop was held at the Marine Workshops, Railway Approach, Newhaven on Wednesday 17th April 2024. There were 35 organisations represented by 47 people on the day. That was 80% of all the organisations that were invited. AECOM are conducting the refresh of the masterplan and had arranged a wonderful day in order to collect the views of the Port stakeholders. Presentations by Steve Roberts of AECOM and Dave Collins-Williams from NPP prompted the attendees to discuss and record their views, assisted by facilitators from AECOM and NPP.  The AECOM PlanEngage temporary website went live on the 23rd April and was open until 15th May for all invited persons to contribute further.

The original PMP was published in 2012 and much of the material is still valid and the changes at Newhaven in the intervening period have been subtle, rather than substantial. Therefore, a refresh, rather than a complete re-write, is appropriate. It is good practice to keep PMP's updated, and as it is now 12 years since the initial masterplan was created. A periodic update is due. NPP are looking at what has been achieved, what has not been achieved, what has changed and where we are going in the next 20 years. Publication of the final product should be in September.

The Newhaven Port Users Group held a meeting at teh Enterprise Centre on Denton Island, Newhaven on Thursday 2nd May 2024.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Dave Collins-Williams, Port Manager, and was attended by 28 members of the group, which was a very good attendance. 
Agenda items included updates on the Port Masterplan Strategic Objectives, updates on Statutory Harbour Authority, Competent Harbour Authority and Port Security Authority, Port Marine Safety Code update, Marine Safety Management System and Navigation Risk Assessments, Harbour Revision Orders, a review of marine incidents and exercises, valid Notice to Mariners, breakdown of Port traffic figures, latest information on the ferry service, harbour works updates, Consultation groups and themes and Marine Conservation issues and projects. The Port Masterplan is undergoing a refresh at the moment and there was significant discusiion and input from stakeholders on that item. 
Members of the group had the opportunity to give updates on their respective organisations and it was pleasing to note that many did so for the benefit of all port users. Dave Collins-Williams announced that this was his last PUG meeting as Chair. Captain Stephen Tindale had taken over the reins of Harbour Master wef 1st March 2024.
The next meeting will be held in November 2024.

The West Quay Users (Fishing) Group met on Thursday 9th May 2024 at the Newhaven Lifeboat Station. It was attended by 13 members of the group. Port Manager Dave Collins-Williams informed the group of the latest news and developments from the Port and covered the usual agenda items of moorings, health & safety, security, port operations, communications, dredging and fees/insurance issues. These meetings are a good opportunity for the Harbour Master to bring to the attention of the fishermen all the latest relevant safety issues and MAIB/MCA reports that affect fishermen and news of the fishing industry in general gleaned from attending national meetings and being members of the British Ports Association. It also brings together the Harbour's fishermen around a table to discuss their issues and share their  experiences and concerns. Interesting presentations and updates were made by NPP, Newhaven Fish & Flake Ice Society; Sussex IFCA; Border Force; and The Fishermens Society. The user group stakeholders contributed significantly to the proceedings, providing valuable experience and opinion. Dave Collins-Williams announced that this was his last WQUG meeting as Chair. Captain Stephen Tindale had taken over the reins of Harbour Master wef 1st March 2024.
The next meeting will be held in November 2024.


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