The FLIP Project
The Port of Newhaven is a partner in the INTERREG IV(A) France – England - Fostering Long Term Initiatives in Ports (FLIP) project. The project bring together brings together a partnership of 10 public and private organisations, including Département des Côtes d’Armor, Université du Havre, Association des ports locaux de la Manche, Syndicat Mixte du port de Dieppe, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Côte d’Opale, Syndicat Mixte du Grand Légué, Newhaven Port and Properties (NPP), Canterbury City Council, and Torbay Council.
The FLIP project seeks to promote a sustainable cooperation between small & medium sized ports in the Channel area by promoting exchanges of experience around transportation, logistics, energy and renewables, eco- innovation through an:-
Increased cross border sharing of best practices between small and medium sized ports to promote innovative, sustainable and diversified port activities.
By building the internal capacity of port management, improve performance, sustainable transport links, facilitate trade, promote innovation, embrace resource efficiency and boost the economy of the region.
Improving governance between the ports and their local communities and making the most optimal use of available resources
FLIP (Fostering Long-term Initiatives for Ports) is a €3,8m crossborder project 50% co-financed by ERDF (European Regional Development Funds) under the Interreg IVA France(Channel)-England territorial cooperation Programme.
The project has allowed the participating partner ports to share experience on port masterplanning, investigate how small & medium sized ports in the Channel area can diversify their activities and new Business Models can be developed for the sustainable redevelopment of redundant harbour buildings; analyse opportunities in the cruise sector focusing on the port partners´ capacity to engage and respond to industry requirements that can lead to greater frequentation; verify the possibility to develop a Maritime Heritage and Information Centre by utilizing an historic harbour infrastructure for non-maritime use; study how to optimize port infrastructure for future uses, including Operation & Maintenance services for the offshore wind industry and define potential smart energy solutions for the participating ports.
A number of the studies, exchanges and event presentation have been placed on the FLIP project website :
For further information please contact the lead partner