Important Information.
A Flood Warning has been issued by the Environment Agency for Newhaven.
Flooding is expected for Newhaven including Avis Way Industrial estate, Newhaven Marina, the A26, A259, West Quay, Riverside North, Denton Island, and the east bank Two hours either side of high water.
Immediate action required.
Surge Forecast: Newhaven
Time and date of high water 00:00 on 14/01/2017
Predicted astronomical tide level 3.42 mAOD
Forecast surge height 0.56 m
Forecast high water level 3.98 mAOD
Forecast high water level in Chart Datum 7.5 mCD
Forecast wind direction North Westerly
Forecast wind strength Force 7
A tidal event at Newhaven similar to that seen in December 2013 is forecast for tonight’s midnight tide. The Environment Agency have implemented a plan to sand bag vulnerable property in the Newhaven area. This protection is due to be in place before the high tide, however it is possible that some property will still be affected near to the North Quay industrial unit. If defences are overtopped flooding shall affect the Recreation ground, North Quay, Railway Quay and Newhaven Town Railway Station. You are advised to take action to prevent your property from flooding. This message will be updated on Saturday 14th January.
- Act now to protect yourself and your property.
- Avoid beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads.
- Keep your colleagues and customers informed of the situation.
- If it's safe to do so, block doors with flood boards or sandbags and cover airbricks and other ventilation holes.
- If it's safe, move stock and valuable items to a safe place.
- Avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water.
- Turn off gas, electricity and water if your property is about to flood. Never touch an electrical switch if you are standing in water.
- Call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 using quickdial 01241112 for up-to-date flooding information.
- Keep an eye on local water levels and weather conditions. The Environment Agency website contains details of river level and flooding information and can be accessed at
Environment Agency
Solent & South Downs Area Flood Resilience Team Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road Worthing, Sussex, BN11 1LD Telephone Floodline on: 0345 988 1188